You can insert automatic parts. These parts are inserted automatically when
the application detects an end style configuration that is defined in the automatic part
rule. The end styles can be on two parts, or a part and a pipe/tube or duct.
Before you begin:
Open a document with the
parts between which you need to insert automatic parts. These parts must exist
in your catalog.
The CATIA Systems Generative Piping and Tubing
license is required.
From the Fluid Design section of the action bar, select Part Mode as
process mode.
From the Selection Options dialog box, select
Part Selection.
Select the route on which you want to insert automatic parts.
On the context toolbar, click Automatic Part.
In the Automatic Part panel, select the options of your
Smart Mode
Smart Mode: places the parts used for the
first port without displaying the Automatic Part Rule
Sets or Table Browser dialog
boxes. For more information, see Piping & Tubing 3D Design:Table Browser or HVAC 3D Design:Table Browser.
Smart No:
Table Show
Show Table: displays the Automatic
Part Rule Sets dialog box when you insert the
automatic part.
If there are multiple rules ID, the dialog box
always appears.
Do not Show Table:
Reframe Mode
Reframe On: centers the first connection in
the work area.
Reframe Off
Place Mode
UIActive: creates the instances in the UI
active product.
Part Parent: creates the instances in the
parent product of the selected part.
Connected Part Parent: creates the instances
in the connected parts parent product of the selected part.
Place All
Commit All: inserts automatic parts on each
Select the port where you want to insert automatic parts.
The Automatic Part Rule Sets dialog box appears if you have selected
Show Table.
If the couples of end styles are different, then the rules applied are
different for each couple.
Click the
Rule Preview tab in the
Rule Information box if you want to see a
detailed picture describing the different parts that will be added.
To have a thumbnail in the
Rule Preview tab, you must create an
engineering document
containing the thumbnail and add the thumbnail name in the
Picture column of the
Automatic Part Rules Definition table. This
table is available in the
Piping/Tubing Design Resources or
HVAC Design Resources in the
Data Setup.
Select a rule ID in the
Matched Rule IDs box and click
The Table Browser dialog box appears.
The catalog appears only if it has more than one part that can
be used as an automatic part.
Select the automatic part.
The automatic part is inserted on the selected port.
Show final result to display information about
the automatic parts that have been inserted.
Information is displayed in the
Automatic Part Result dialog box.
If the
Insert Automatic Part command is still
active, you can select a same part to insert automatic parts. The smart process
is applied, using the same rules.
The Automatic Part
Rules table of the current specification is used by the command to retrieve the
right part. This table is available in the Piping/Tubing Design Resources or in
the HVAC Design Resources.