Opening a Physical Product in RFLP Editor

You can search a physical product either from the 3DDashboard app or the 3DEXPERIENCE platform and open it in a RFLP editor.

Before you begin: The Open physical product in RFLP editor option in Me > Preferences must be selected. For more information, see Open for the Piping & Tubing 3D Design app or Open for the HVAC 3D Design app.
See Also
Displaying Logical Diagrams
  1. In the top bar, search for a physical product.
  2. Select a product in the results list.
  3. From the Compass, click the Piping & Tubing 3D Design or HVAC 3D Design app.
    The physical product opens in the RFLP editor in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
To add the schematic data associated with this physical product, use the Open Logical Definition command. For more information, see Loading Selective Logical Data.