A sheet template is attached to a regular sheet, which acts as its support sheet and main
integration point to a drawing context (mostly for the tree and visualization).
In the tree, the sheet template feature is added as a direct child of its support
By default, the support sheet is named as ASD Template Definition. You can modify this
name. This is not the template name. The template name is the name of the feature attached
to this sheet.
The support sheet contains a special view used to define the background of created sheets.
This view defines a dress-up template that is instantiated automatically in the background.
This view is called as the background view dress-up template.
In the tree, the sheet template node contains several sub-nodes such as: the list of zones
and items, a node to edit the background dress-up template, and so on.
Definition of Work Area
Sheet template lets you define the physical space allocation of a sheet using margins and
zones. This information lets you define a work area in
which elements such as title block, views, and tables are positioned.
Margins: Definition of margins lets you define the usable work area of
the sheet (as a restriction of the total sheet page size). After modifying the margins,
the sheet template visualization is updated.
Definition of Dress-Up
Sheet template lets you define the standard dress-up for a sheet: Frame, Title Block, and
A sheet created from a sheet template automatically instantiates the dress-up elements.
It synchronizes along with the sheet template synchronization.
- Frame
- The following frame definition types are supported:
- In Background View (default value): lets you draw the
frame directly in the background view of the sheet template (for example, using a
2D component instance).
- Frame Template: lets you re an existing frame dress-up
- You can select a frame template only from the current drawing
representation. Only local and external selection from the catalog is
- You can configure margins to match the selected frame dimensions to prevent
other elements from overlapping the frame area.
- You have to manually adjust the margins according to the selected
- Title Block
- The following definition types of the title block are supported:
- In Background View (default value): lets you draw the
title block directly in the background view of the sheet template.
- Frame Template: lets you reuse an existing title block
dress-up template.
You can select a title block template only from the current drawing
representation. Only local and external selection from the catalog is
- Title Block Placement Rules
- Title block dress-up is positioned automatically in the sheet according to a
placement rule.
This placement rule lets you define on which side of the work area must the title block be positioned.
Placement offset lets you position for
fine-grained vertical and horizontal.
- Background View Dress-up
Sheet template automatically creates a dress-up template used to specify the
content of the background view using dress-up template mechanisms. The sheet created
using a sheet template creates a dress-up instance object corresponding to this
background dress-up template.
All functionalities provided by the dress-up template are supported.
- Misc functionalities
- In the area displaying the selected dress-up template, right-click and select any of
the following:
- Open: to open the current template in a new editor
- Unset: to unset the current template.
Definition of Zone Items
Sheet templates let you define objects that can be created in a sheet through the
definition of items.
An item is an element positioned in a zone that defines the template to be used for a
specific type of object (view, table, or dress-up), and the positioning rule.
- In the Sheet Template dialog box, use Edit
Items to create a new item.
- Configure the item to be placed: the type (view, table), the template to use, and
the anchor point.
- Place the item by right-clicking in the sheet and selecting Add
You can move the item and change its size.
- You cannot modify an existing item.
- The zone item functionality is mostly used in the context of batches.