When creating a view in Multi-Discipline Drafting, the view direction and orientation of the view is handled differently from Drafting.
This specific behavior is managed through the following two preferences:
Default View Looking direction
Default View Orientation
You can access these options through Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Multi Discipline Engineering > Multi-Discipline Drafting > General.
You can also define these options in the view template.
View Plane Behavior
The selected plane is automatically modified to respect the following constraints:
The view looking direction of the plane is aligned with the closest axis direction
defined in the default view looking direction (X+/X-, Y+/Y-, Z+/Z-). If required, the view
plane normal is inverted.
For example, X- is the direction default direction for the X
component, and X+ is the relative view looking direction of the view plane. Then the
plane view looking direction is inverted (plane normal is inverted).
Orientation of the plane is adjusted to fit to the nearest global axis component (X, Y,
or Z). The plane is rotated along the normal to align the first axis (up direction) with
the nearest global axis component.
Orientation of the plane is adjusted to align the up and right direction as defined in
the default view orientation.
For example, for the view looking direction Z-, the
default up direction is Y+. But the up direction of the view plane is X+. Then the view
plane is rotated along the Z axis to change the up direction to Y+.