Creating a Front View Automation Process

You can create a front view automation process to automate the creation of front views.

Before you begin: Create and activate an automation process manager.
See Also
About the Types of Automation Processes
About Specifications Logic
About Trigger Logic
  1. From the Automation section of the action bar, click Automation Process Front View .
  2. Optional: In the Automation Process Definition dialog box, modify the name of new front view automation process.
  3. In the Short Description and Long Description boxes, enter the required information.
  4. Under Specifications Logic, click Action Editor .
  5. In the Action Editor: Compute Specifications Logic panel, modify the code according to the logic of the task.
    • If the front view process is parent:
      • The first two arguments are set, where second is ASDSpecFrontView with a default variable name ViewSpec.
      • Set the optional attributes in ViewSpec.

        For example, ViewSpec.SetFrontViewTemplate (FrontViewTemplate).

    • If the front view process is a child of a sheet process, we need to select a sheet process that is a child of a drawing process, and then define inputs of the logic:
      • The first two arguments are set, where second is ASDSpecFrontView with a default variable name ViewSpec.
      • Set the optional attributes in ViewSpec.

        For example, ViewSpec.SetViewTemplate (ViewTemplate).

  6. Under Trigger Logic, select the Activate check box and click the Action Editor .

    Note: This option is available only when the front view process is a child of a sheet process, that is a child of a drawing process.

  7. In the Action Editor: Child Trigger Logic panel, modify the code according to the logic of the task.

The front view automation process is configured with a minimum settings, and is ready to be added in the chapter. In case of child element, if the parent element is already attached to a chapter, no further changes are needed.