Configuring a Catalog

You can set a chapter in the catalog.

  1. Perform any one of the following:
    • Open an existing catalog chapter by retrieving the chapter name using the Show Template Chapter command and search for it.
    • From the top bar, click Add > Content.

      Search Catalog and select it to create a new catalog.

  2. Perform either of the following to classify the templates:
    • Right-click the required chapter and select Insert > Item:Feature.

      The feature is directly referenced by the chapter item and is represented by .

    • Right-click the required chapter and select Insert > Insert Existing Object.

      The whole representation is referenced by the chapter item and is represented by .

  3. In the Drafting Template Design tab, select the created template.

    Whenever such entry is selected for an instance creation, a catalog browser appears. You can look for individual templates in the selected representation.

    The template is created in the catalog.