About the No Overlap Success Condition

The No Overlap success condition fails a placement strategy when the annotation is overlapping with other 2D elements in the view.

See Also
Annotation Placement Strategies

The overlap computation considers only the neighbour generated items. Other annotations or pure 2D sketch items are ignored.

In the Success Condition dialog box, you can specify the required overlap percentage.

For example, if specified value is 10%. It means that the annotation placement succeeds as long as the largest area zone represents more than 90% of the rectangle envelope of the annotation.

Working of Success Condition

The computation of overlap is as follows:

  1. A 2D rectangle envelope of the annotation is considered and the intersections between that 2D rectangle envelope and the nearby generated items are searched.

    For example, consider an annotation composed of two texts, generated items (blue) overlapping the annotation, and the envelope used by the overlap logic (red rectangle).

  2. After all the intersecting generated items are found, the rectangle envelope of the annotation is split into zones depending on the intersections with the generated items.

  3. A ratio between the area of the largest zone and the area of the whole rectangle envelope is computed.
  4. The overlap ratio computed is finally compared with a user-defined tolerance to decide if the annotation placement at that position must fail or not.