Creating an Object Area Fill

You can color the inner area of an object in a generative view.

You can see the full silhouette of the object with a dedicated color. A complex object that is not easy to spot in a view can be distinguished. This is particularly useful to show differences in material, or thickness, or to clearly display the pipes that need to be installed.

Before you begin: Open an up-to-date view generated with exact view generation mode.
  1. From the Smart Annotation section of the action bar, click Object Area Fill .
  2. In the Object Area Fill dialog box, from the Pattern type list, select any one of the following:
    • Color
    • Hatching
    • Dotting
    • Image
  3. Under Pattern 1, specify the required parameters.
  4. In the Number of patterns box, increase or decrease the number of patterns.
  5. Optional: Select the Fill using the color of the 3D object check box, to fill the selection with the color of the 3D object.
  6. Select an object from the generated view.

    Solid Hatching Dotting Image

Note: You can color the following objects in a generative view:
  • Part or a feature of a part
  • Pipe or a piping part
  • HVAC or HVAC part
  • Structural plate or member