Routing Action Links

You can route the annotation actions or text templates based on the routing logic.

The feature routed with the annotation action argument is displayed in the Action Management tab. You can also route the annotation actions to a different feature.

  1. In the Annotation Definition dialog box, click the Action Management tab.

    The Action Management tab contains the following parameters:

    Action List of action as defined in the template
    Argument Name Action Argument name as defined in the annotation template action
    Argument Type KWE type of the action argument
    Auto Displays if the action argument is automatically routed or not
    Target Object The feature with which the action argument is evaluated

  2. In the Action Management tab, select an action object from the Action list.
  3. Select an action argument.
  4. Right-click the cell corresponding to the Target Object.
  5. Select a 2D or a 3D feature.
    The action argument is routed to the selected feature.