Exploring Properties

You can quickly view all the information about a generated element and locate objects in 2D or 3D using different methods.

Before you begin: A structural product representation containing a drawing sheet with one or more generated views.
See Also
About Properties
  1. From the Standard Area of the action bar, click Properties .
  2. In the Properties Command dialog box, under 3D Navigator Properties, specify the parameters to configure the view in the 3D viewer.
  3. Under Drafting, specify the parameters to configure the 2D view.
  4. Under 3D, specify the parameters to configure the 3D view.
  5. Select any of the following tabs:

    2D Navigation: Select a generated item from the view to highlight it in the 3D viewer and the 3D window.

    You can also select a smart annotation to highlight its geometry.

    A callout showing the object properties appears.

    Find from 3D: Select an element from the 3D area to highlight it in the current drafting view.

    Find by Name: Enter a name or the path of an object. Select an element from the list to highlight it in the view.
    • If any value in not specified in the that contain box, by default, all the elements in the current view are shown.

    • In the view, you can select an object and click Search in the ASD Properties Command dialog box.

      A list of all the views is generated in the same sheet containing generated elements from selected object, and based on configuration all occurrences are highlighted.

    Find in Sheet: Select a generated item to locate it in other views.

    Attributes: View additional attributes for the selected object in the Attributes tab.

    Tip: Click 2D Navigation tab, and select a generated item from the view. Hover over the callout to view additional attributes.

    Find in 3D: Select a generated item or a smart annotation from a view to find its corresponding object in 3D.

    This option is available only when the command is run from the 3D window.

    Tip: Click to keep the selection, for usage of other commands, on the selected object.