Simulation Equations

The Data Matching adapter uses the following equations for the simulation functions.

This page discusses:

See Also
Data Matching Functions Reference

Start Position

The function uses the following equation:


to calculate the x start value of the simulation data in the range of Yi (marked in red) between the two green borderlines, as shown in the following graph:

End Position

The function uses the following equation:


to calculate the x end value of the simulation data in the range of Yi (marked in red) between the two green borderlines, as shown in the following graph:

Number of Data Points

The function uses the following equation:


to calculate the number of the data points (marked in red) between the two green borderlines. In the following example, the result is 9.

Minimum X Value

The function uses the following equation:


to calculate the minimum value of the x-axis between the two green borderlines, as shown in the following graph:

Maximum X Value

The function uses the following equation:


to calculate the maximum value of the x-axis between the two green borderlines, as shown in the following graph:

Minimum Y Value

The function uses the following equation:


to calculate the minimum value of the y-axis between the two green borderlines, as shown in the following graph:

Maximum Y Value

The function uses the following equation:


to calculate the maximum value of the y-axis between the two green borderlines, as shown in the following graph:

Position of Minimum Y Value

The function uses the following equation:


to calculate the minimum value's position of the y-axis between the two green borderlines, as shown in the following graph:

Position of Maximum Y Value

The function uses the following equation:


to calculate the maximum value's portion of the y-axis between the two green borderlines, as shown in the following graph:

Y Value of Minimum X Value

The function uses the following equation:


to calculate the y value of the minimum position target x between the two green borderlines, as shown in the following graph:

Y Value of Maximum X Value

The function uses the following equation:


to calculate the y value of the maximum position x between the two green borderlines, as shown in the following graph:


The function uses the following equation:


to calculate the mean value of the y-axis.


The function uses the following equation:


to calculate the sigma of the y-axis.


The function uses the following equation:


to calculate the range of the y-axis between the two green borderlines, as shown in the following graph:

Number of Troughs

The function uses the following equation:


to calculate the number of the trough points (marked in red) between the two green borderlines. In the following example, the result is 3.

Number of Peaks

The function uses the following equation:


to calculate the number of the peak points, marked in red, between the two green borderlines. In the following example, the result is 3.

Trough Values

The function uses the following equation:


to calculate the values of the trough points between the two green borderlines as an array, as shown in the following graph:

Trough Positions

The function uses the following equation:


to calculate the positions of the trough points between the two green borderlines as an array, as shown in the following graph:

Peak Values

The function uses the following equation:


to calculate the values of the peak points between the two green borderlines as an array, as shown in the following graph:

Peak Positions

The function uses the following equation:


to calculate the values of the trough points between the two green borderlines as an array: