About Jobs

A job consists of a simulation process, some initial data or values (optional), job control information, and a collection of results.

See Also
Running a Job
Configuring the Execution Options and Running a Job

Jobs are identified by a unique ID (generated by Optimization Process Composer when the job is submitted) and a readable job name that you can provide or Optimization Process Composer can generate. A job is created when a simulation process and job control information are submitted to the 3DOrchestrate Station.

To run a job, you can select one of the following:

  • Select the Run command to run a job on the selected host—a local private 3DOrchestrate Station or a remote 3DOrchestrate Station. If you are running Optimization Process Composer on a Dassault Systèmes cloud server, jobs can be submitted to only a local private 3DOrchestrate Station.
  • Select the Configure and Run command to set execution options, such as the seed value, before you run a job on the selected host—a local private 3DOrchestrate Station or a remote 3DOrchestrate Station.
  • Select the Run Locally command to run a job on a local private 3DOrchestrate Station. If you are running Optimization Process Composer on a Dassault Systèmes cloud server, the Run Locally command is not available.