The following figure shows the Optimization
Process Composer main work area:
Close and reload
Launch local station
Process Diagram
Process details panel
Context toolbar
Close and Reload
After running a simulation process, you have to close and reload the simulation
process to continue working on the current simulation process.
By default, the name of the simulation process appears on the tab. You can right-click
on the tab to change the name. However, the name is not saved. The next time you log in
the name of simulation process appears on the tab.
Launch local station
You can start a station on the local machine. This ensures that there is a station
available to run the simulation process.
You can run the simulation process and configure the execution options.
The tree shows the hierarchy and flow order of the simulation process. You can toggle
the contents under an activity by clicking the arrow next to the object. By default,
inner flows are not displayed. You can toggle on/off the inner flows by right-clicking
an activity and selecting Show Details/Hide
Details. You can also right-click an activity to view the
Activity Options.
Process Diagram
A graphical representation of the simulation process.
Process Details Panel
The simulation process' title is displayed in the upper right of the work area. You
can hover the mouse pointer over the panel to view/edit the name and description. In
addition, you can access the simulation process' parameters, content, and data flow.
Clicking anywhere on the expanded panel pins the panel to the work area. Otherwise, the
panel is collapsed. To unpin the panel, click the minimize button or perform another
action in the work area.
Context Toolbar
The context toolbar appears close to the process diagram during certain operations.
Its contents depend on the item that you have selected (the item with a blue