Downhill Simplex Technique

The Downhill Simplex technique is a geometrically intuitive algorithm.

See Also
Configuring the Downhill Simplex Technique

A simplex is defined as a body in n dimensions consisting of n+1 vertices. Specifying the location of each vertex fully defines the simplex. In two dimensions, the simplex is a triangle. In three dimensions, it is a tetrahedron. As the algorithm proceeds, the simplex makes its way downward toward the location of the minimum through a series of steps. These steps can be divided into reflections, expansions, and contractions. Most steps are reflections, which consist of moving the vertex of the simplex where the objective function is largest (worst) through the opposite face of the simplex to a lower (better) point. Reflections maintain the volume of the simplex. When possible, an expansion can accompany the reflection to increase the size of the simplex and speed convergence by allowing larger steps. Conversely, contractions “shrink” the simplex, allowing it to settle into a minimum or pass through a small opening like the neck of an hourglass. This method has the highest probability of finding the global minimum when it is started with big initial steps. The initial simplex will span a greater fraction of the design space, and the chances of getting trapped in a local minimum are smaller. However, for complex hyper-dimensional topographies, the method can break down.