Modified Method of Feasible Directions (MMFD) Technique

The Modified Method of Feasible Directions (MMFD) is a direct numeric optimization technique used to solve constrained optimization problems.

See Also
Configuring the Modified Method of Feasible Directions (MMFD) Technique

The Modified Method of Feasible Directions technique has the following features:

  • rapidly obtains an optimum design,

  • handles inequality and equality constraints, and

  • satisfies constraints with high precision at the optimum.

The sequence of steps followed by the MMFD technique are as follows:

  1. q=0, x̲=x̲0
  2. q=q+1
  3. Evaluate Fx̲andgjx̲j=1,2,...,M
  4. Identify the set of critical constraints, J
  5. Calculate F(x̲)gj(x̲),jJ
  6. Determine the usable/feasible search directions, S̲q
  7. Perform 1D search to find a*
  8. Set x̲q=x̲q1+a×xS̲q
  9. Check for convergence; if not converged, go to Step 2.

The MMFD technique uses one of the following methods to find the search direction at each iteration q:

  • If no constraints are active or violated, the (previously described) unconstrained Conjugate Gradient method is used.
  • If any constraints are active and none are violated, the MMFD technique minimizes F(x̲q1)×S̲q F(x̲q1)×S̲q subject to: gj(x̲q1)×Sq0;jJ Sq×Sq1.

  • If one or more constraints are violated, the MMFD technique minimizes F(x̲q1)×S̲qΦβ subject to: gj(xq1)×Sq+Θjβ0;jJS̲q×S̲q1, where J is the set of active and violated constraints, Φ is a large positive number, Θj is a push-off factor for constraints, Θj = 0 for active constraints , and Θj > 0 for violated constraints.

The active and violated constraints are identified as follows:

gj(x̲) is active, if CTgj(x̲)CTMIN

gj(x̲) is violated, if gj(x̲)>CTMIN

Active and Violated Constraint Identification