About Shareable Licenses

You can use a shareable license when running a simulation. Shareable licenses can be shared among users and, unlike a named-user license, are not tied to specific users.

See Also
Selecting Shareable Licenses

When you are configuring the execution options in the 3DX Parameter adapter, the 3DX Utility adapter, the 3DX Script adapter, and the Physics Execution adapter, you can request any shareable licenses that are required to run.

You can enter the names of the shareable licenses, or you can map a parameter to the string that defines the shareable licenses. Mapping the licenses to a parameter allows you to run the simulation process from a separate app, such as Performance Study, and pass the licenses requested for the execution.

You can select Use default shareable licenses in the execution options to select the shareable licenses defined in SMAExeStation.properties under fiper.station.defaultshareablelicconfig.file. Your Administrator can configure the shareable licenses that are available in the station properties file. Alternatively, your Administrator can use the Station Administrator app to update the station properties file and to specify the text file listing the shareable licenses. (LSF 3DOrchestrate Stations are not supported by Station Administrator.) The format of each line of the text file is batch name | product. For example, SMAWflKWParamBatch | SMU.prd. The following table contains the batch names expected for each adapter that can use a shareable license:

Adapter Batch Name
3DEXPERIENCE Parameter Adapter SMAWflKWParamBatch
3DEXPERIENCE Utility Adapter SMAWflKWParamBatch. Required only if Knowledgeware parameters are being mapped with this adapter.
3DEXPERIENCE Script Adapter 3DXScriptBatchExecuter
Physics Execution Adapter SMAWflKWParamBatch. Required only if Knowledgeware parameters are being mapped with this adapter.

Licensing certain functionality from the 3DX Utility adapter requires a batch name for the adapter and the utility. The following table contains the batch names expected for utilities in the 3DX Utility Adapter:

3DX Utility Batch Name
Export in V5 Format DownwardCompatibility
Export to 3DXML Export 3D XML
Export External Simulation Representation ExternalSimulationExport
Import an External Simulation Representation ExternalSimulationImport
Import from a 3DXML file Import3DXMLfile
Setup Physics Results Specifications Setup Physics Results Specifications
Duplicate object SMAWflPLMCopyBatch
Export simulation to Input file SMAFeaSim2InpBatchAdp
Execute Simulation SimulationBatchExecuter
Import Simulation Results Import Simulation Results
Save Simulation Results SMAHvxPrintPlotBatch
System Experiment Batch CATSymBatchExecuter
For more information about SMAExeStation.properties, see About Station Configuration.

If the name of the text file changes or the retry station property is modified, you must click Renew Lease from the 3DOrchestrate Station to update the connection.