About Validation

Optimization Process Composer can automatically ensure that the simulation process you are developing is valid and warn you when it appears that there might be a problem in the configuration.

See Also
Configuring General Preferences
Using Validation

By default, validation is on, and you can view error and warning messages that occur while you are building your simulation process. If desired, you can turn off this validation. However, Optimization Process Composer always validates the simulation process prior to execution and will not run a simulation process that has validation errors.

The validation does the following:

  • Advises and warns you of aspects your simulation process that are incomplete or potentially incorrect based on common simulation process conventions.
  • Validates all parameters provided to the adapters.

During validation, Optimization Process Composer goes through the simulation process and generates a list of errors and warnings. You can view the results using the Validation panel.

Optimization Process Composer does not validate third-party adapters or adapters that use a web service call.