Reading and Specifying Output Parameters

You can use the Abaqus adapter to read existing output database (.odb and .sim) files and to configure the parameters that will be extracted by the Abaqus adapter when you run the simulation process.

Note: The output file name displayed in the File text box is configured automatically based on the input file that you selected on the Input tab.

See Also
Configuring the Execution Options
  1. From the Applications section of the action bar, click Abaqus and drop it on the process diagram.
  2. Double-click Abaqus .
    The Abaqus Editor appears.
  3. From the Abaqus Editor, click the Output tab.
  4. From the Select Output list, specify the document containing the file(s) that define the parameters by doing one of the following:
    • Select a document that has already been added to the simulation process.
    • Click to search for a document to add as referenced content.
    • Click to create a non-versioned document.
    • Click to create a versioned document.

    You can also select an object parameter that refers to a document.

  5. From the list that appears, select the File name of the output file in the document. You can use wildcards to select more than one file.

    You can read output parameters from an Abaqus output database (.odb or .sim) file.

  6. Select the Compute Output Values if you want the adapter to compute the values for the output parameters at design time.

    This computation is made when Read File is selected. Disabling this computation improves adapter performance for large models only at design time. At run time the values are computed and returned to Optimization Process Composer.

  7. Click Read File.

    The Output tab is populated with the set of parameters that can be controlled by Optimization Process Composer.

  8. Select the output parameters you want to use by doing one of the following:
    • Choose individual parameters using the check boxes in the first column.

    • Use the check box to select all the parameters or to clear the selection.

    Note: You can filter the parameter list using the Filter. This option is useful if your list of parameters is large. You can enter a string, and Optimization Process Composer updates the list of parameters to show only the parameters that contain the specified string. The component also attempts to create a list of selectable strings by scanning the listed parameters.

  9. Click Ok to save your changes and to close the Abaqus Editor.