Adding an Owned Document to an Activity

You can add a non-versioned or versioned document to an activity. The document is owned by the activity.

See Also
About Documents
Adding a Referenced Object to a Simulation Process
Download Adapter
  1. Select the activity that will contain the document.
  2. From the Data section of the action bar, click Content .
    The Content panel appears.
  3. Select a category or folder where you want to store the document, and do either of the following:.
    • To add a non-versioned document, select
    • To add a versioned document, select .

    Note: If a category is not selected, the documented is added to the Internal Data data category.

  4. Click Yes from the dialog box that appears to save the simulation process and to continue.
  5. From the Select files dialog box that appears, select the file to add, and click Open.

    Note: Click Cancel to create an empty document containing no files.

  6. Optional: Toggle on Download to create a download rule.
    Optimization Process Composer downloads the file to the working directory at runtime.
  7. Choose an option from the Impact column to define whether the data should be considered as either input or output to the simulation activity (or neither or both).

    The impact attribute determines when an activity is out of date regarding the data that it uses (since the data can be modified externally in some way). For example, if the data change that are considered input to an activity, the activity is shown as out of data and must be run again to generate new output data.

  8. Optional: Enter a Description.
  9. Click Close to save your changes and to exit the Content panel.
    Optimization Process Composer creates the document under the selected data category.