Creating Folders for an Activity

You can create folders to keep your content organized.

You can create folders inside categories, and you can create folders inside existing folders (subfolders).

  1. Select an activity.
  2. From the Data section of the action bar, click Content .
    The Content panel appears.
  3. Select a category.
  4. From the Manage list, click Add Folder.

    Note: If a category is not selected, the folder is added to the internal data category.

    A new folder appears under the category.
  5. Click in the folder title to enter a meaningful name.
  6. Click in the Impact column to change the impact of the content (No impact relation, Input, Output, Input/Output).

    You can use an impact attribute to determine when an activity is out of date regarding the data that it uses (since the data can be modified externally in some way). The attribute indicates that the activity should be run again to obtain new results.

  7. Optional: Click in the Description column to enter a meaningful description for the folder.
  8. Optional: Continue adding folders.

    You can click on a folder to create a subfolder.