Configuring the Technique and Execution Options

You use the General tab to select the technique type and to set any technique options associated with the technique. In addition, you can also set options that you want the adapter to take during execution.

See Also
Mapping Options and Attributes to Parameters
  1. From the Flow section of the action bar, click DOE and drop it on the process diagram.
  2. Double-click DOE .
    The DOE Editor appears.
  3. From the DOE Editor, click the General tab.
  4. In the DOE Technique list, select the technique of your choice.

    For more information, see About the DOE Techniques.

  5. Review the information in the DOE Technique Description area.
  6. In the Execution Options area, set the following options:
    Execute in parallel All the design points defined by the design matrix are submitted for execution simultaneously. You may want to clear this option if adapters within the DOE subflow have license limitations or other requirements that mandate only one run at a time.
    Action when design point fails If a design run fails during execution of the DOE technique, you can choose to have Optimization Process Composer ignore the failed run, fail the entire run, retry the failed run (a specific number of times), or replace the failed run by running again with a specified percentage modification of the failed run.
    Execute subflow only once Select this option if you want to run the subflow only one time. This capability is useful in simulation flows that need to turn the driver logic on/off parametrically. This option is also helpful in the debugging process if the simulation flow does not run successfully.
    Activate Boolean parameters for factors Select this option to use Boolean parameters to control the selection of factors from the Parameters panel of the DOE adapter.
  7. Optional: Map the Execute subflow only once option.
  8. Click Ok to save your changes and to close the DOE Editor.