Deleting Content

You can create a delete rule that deletes content from an activity.

See Also
About Categories
About Documents
  1. From the Utilities section of the action bar, click Delete Content and drop it on the process diagram.
  2. Double-click Delete Content .
    The Delete Content Editor appears.
  3. Click .
  4. Enter a Name for the rule.
  5. Determine the Selection:
    • Content by filters. Select this option to use a filter to delete content. For example, you can enter WordDoc*. During execution, Optimization Process Composer deletes all the content with WordDoc in the title.
    • Specific Content. Select this option to delete a specific document.
  6. Select the Category where the content is stored.
  7. From the Content list, enter a specific document to delete. Alternatively, you can specify a wildcard to delete multiple contents satisfying the given Title criteria. A wildcard on Title only works for documents under the selected category, and not for the files under documents. If you leave this box empty, Optimization Process Composer deletes all the files in the specified document. You can also enter a parameter expression and a comma-separated list. For example, ${myDocument}, *.doc .
  8. If you selected Content by filters, do the following:
    1. Select the Type: (Non-versioned, Versioned, or Simulation Folder).
    2. Select the Ownership: (All, Owned, Referenced).
    3. Determine the Impact: (Input, Input/Output, Output, None).
  9. In the list of rules on the left side of the editor, click Enable to activate this rule at run time.

    If you do not select Enable, the rule is ignored at run time.

  10. Click Ok to save your changes and to close the Delete Content Editor.