Selecting the Object

You can select the object containing the 3DEXPERIENCE parameters to map.

See Also
About the 3DEXPERIENCE Parameters Adapter
  1. From the Applications section of the action bar, click 3DEXPERIENCE Parameters and drop it on the process diagram.
  2. Double-click 3DEXPERIENCE Parameters .
    The 3DX Parameters Editor appears.
  3. In the Content list, enter or search for the object that contains the parameters.

    Note: You can use Optimization Process Composer to create a requirement object and to associate 3DEXPERIENCE parameters with the requirement. If you add the requirement to the content of your simulation process or activity, you can map its 3DEXPERIENCE parameters with the parameters of the simulation process or activity.

    The 3DEXPERIENCE parameters appear in the table.
  4. Determine the Mapping direction by selecting one of the following:
    • FROM activity TO 3DX Parameters. Select this option to map input or input/output parameter values from the simulation process to the 3DEXPERIENCE parameters.
    • FROM 3DX Parameters TO activity. Select this option to map 3DEXPERIENCE parameters to the output or input/output parameters of the simulation process.

    Note: The mapping process maintains the value of Knowledgeware and PLM parameters in the user's display units. For example, a Knowledgeware parameter representing a length of 200mm, but with display units of meters, will be treated as a value of 0.2 by the activity parameter in the simulation process. Optimization Process Composer does not support unit conversion. To reflect the change in display units in the activity parameter's value, you must recreate the mapping by unselecting it, closing and re-opening the 3DX Parameters Editor, and selecting the mapping again. The update of the simulation object is skipped in the pre-execution phase of 3DX Parameters, but is then updated during the execution phase. This behavior is communicated with a message in the job log.

  5. Optional: Use the Filters to reduce the number of items that appear in the table. For example, you can display only 3DEXPERIENCE parameters or only the parameters that contain a particular text string in their name.

    You can also select a node in the tree to view the 3DEXPERIENCE parameters associated with that node. Use the Find box above the tree to locate the desired item in the tree. Drag the bar to the right of the tree to expand or contract it as needed.

    Note: To start a search using the Find box, click or . Do not press Enter; doing so closes the adapter window.

  6. Click Ok to save your changes and to close the Parameters Editor.