Configuring a Do Until Loop

A Do Until loop runs the subflow once, checks the condition, and continues running the subflow until the condition is satisfied.

Note: A Do Until loop always runs the subflow once before checking the condition. A While loop may not run the subflow at all if the condition is initially false.

  1. From the Flow section of the action bar, click Loop and drop it on the process diagram.
  2. Double-click Loop .
    The Loop Editor appears.
  3. From the Loop Editor, click Do Until from the Loop Type list.
  4. In the Parameter list, select a parameter or click to create a parameter.
  5. In the Condition list, select the condition of your choice.
  6. Select Parameter or Constant from the box below the Condition list; based on your selection, select either a parameter using the corresponding list or enter a constant in the adjacent text box.
  7. Click to add your selection to the Conditions area in the center of the editor.

    Note: You can delete a condition from the Conditions area by selecting the condition and clicking .

  8. Repeat Step 4 through Step 7 for each condition you want to add.
  9. In the Conditions area, click the AND/OR column for any condition except the first one listed, and select AND or OR based on the type of condition you are creating.

    By default, once a second condition is added to the list, the AND operator is selected.

  10. Click in the open “(” or close parentheses “)” columns to determine if you want open/close single or double parentheses to group AND and OR clauses.
  11. Click and to rearrange the conditions.
  12. Your conditional expression may never be satisfied in some cases; therefore, you can specify a Maximum number of iterations after which Optimization Process Composer assumes the conditional expression is satisfied.
  13. Click Ok to save your changes and to close the Loop Editor.