Configuring Adapter Preferences

You can configure preferences for specific adapters. If you do not configure the preferences, the default option is used each time the adapter is added to the process diagram.

See Also
Calculator Adapter
OS Command Adapter
  1. From the top bar, select Me > Preferences, and then click the App Preferences tab.
  2. In the left-hand pane, select Simulation > Process Composer.
  3. Expand the Adapters options.
  4. From the Calculator Preferences area, select a Display Mode for the editor of the Calculator adapter:
    Expand The calculator adapter editor opens in an expanded view to display all controls. This option is selected by default.
    Collapse The calculator adapter editor opens with controls collapsed, displaying more of the expression field.
  5. Select Allow exceptional values (NaN, Infinity) to run calculations that contain exceptional values without displaying an error.

    By default, the Calculator adapter stops and displays an error if any function or operator returns a real result with an exceptional value. The exceptional values are Inf, -Inf, or NaN. If you do not select this option, the Calculator adapter calculates and returns the exceptional values.

  6. In the OS Command Preferences area, specify the Consider execution failed on errors stream output option.

    Some programs (for example, Abaqus) write output to the standard error stream even for a successful run. For convenience, it can be useful to set this option to false, which sets the default values in any new OS command adapter. By default, this option is set to true.

  7. In the Monte Carlo Preferences area, specify the Preselect all statistics to create output parameters option.

    In Optimization Process Composer, a Monte Carlo simulation creates output parameters for selected statistical measures. Select this option to automatically designate all statistical measures to add an output parameter. You can select or clear statistics for parameter creation from the Statistics tab of the Monte Carlo Editor.

  8. Click OK to save the options and to exit the Preferences dialog box.