When several behaviors are inserted in a behavior experience, you can select or
modify the behavior to be executed.
Select a scenario.
Click this command.
You can also select behaviors when you edit an existing
scenario or create a new scenario by the action bar command New
Scenario. When using this command, you can, if it is
available, click the command Scenario behaviors
selection to select behaviors. The resulting dialog
box is the same.
The Behavior Selection for Scenario dialog
box appears. It displays the structure of the logical components or
functions, including the behaviors, for the selected scenario.
These notes describe what you can do in the dialog box
except activation of representations and behavior selection. Those
are described in later steps.
In the FL Structure column, you can
expand nodes down to single behaviors.
You can filter the result using the
Hide inactive node
hierarchy and Hide branches
without behavior options.
You can right-click any node and select any of
Center tree, Collapse All, and
Expand All to control the display of that node.
A single behavior line displays both the representation
reference and the behavior name, to compress the
Dymola context behaviors are presented as virtual nodes
Context Behavior.
If any behavior tags are present, they are displayed in
separate columns.
If you have many tags, you can use the
Column Manager to select what
columns to display. Right-click any of the column
headers and select Open Column
To display a selection of columns, select the
columns by pressing Ctrl
and click on the column names, and then click
Show Selection.
To hide a selection of columns, select the
columns like above, and then click Hide
You can rename or delete a tag by right-clicking
the tag column header and select Change
tag name or Delete tag.
To select what functions or logical components containing behaviors
that should be active, you can do the following:
For a function or logical component that contain behaviors as
children, you can directly activate the corresponding checkbox in
the X column of the dialog box.
You can multiselect functions or logical components, right-click
them and use any of the following commands:
Enable item(s)
Disable item(s)
Inverse Enable/Disable status for
If you have any behavior selected, these commands are not
For a function or logical behavior to be active, it must be
selected as active, but all enclosing functions or logical
components (higher up in the hierarchy) must also be
selected as active.
If a function or logical component is not active, no
behavior in this function or logical component is executed,
even if the behavior is selected. This also includes all
behaviors in subtrees of this function or logical
For a behavior to be active, it must reside in an active
function or logical component as described above, but it
must also be selected, indicated by in the X column. For selection, see
the following steps.
To select behaviors by behavior tags, do the following:
Behavior tags are only supported for Dymola
behaviors, Context behaviors, and FMI behaviors. Logical-Physical
models do not support behavior tags.
The tag selection is applied on all behaviors in the dialog
In the dialog box, click Select from
The Selection From Tags dialog box
In the Tags filter group, select the tags
you want to use for selecting behaviors.
You can select several tags
All tags in the model are displayed
In the Select behavior group, select
If the behavior should be selected if at
least one selected tag matches
If the behavior should be selected if all the
tags match
If several behaviors matches, only the
first one found is selected.
In the No matching tag group, you can
select what happens if the tag selection does not match any
behavior. The alternatives are:
Deselect component meaning that
the component opened in the dialog box is
Keep current behavior
Click OK to apply the selection.
To select behaviors directly in the in the X
column, select or deselect the corresponding circle.
Behaviors selected to be active are indicated by , deselected ones are indicated by .
You can use this to modify a previous selection
by behavior tags.
You also have some ways of managing behavior selection from the context
menu of nodes in the FL Structure column, by
right-clicking a node and selecting any of:
Select higher level in hierarchy
command selects the first behavior searching from top of the tree. Behaviors on lower level
are deselected.
Select behavior of deepest level in
This command selects deepest level
behaviors on each branch in the tree. Higher level behaviors are
Click OK to close the dialog box and save, in
the scenario, your selection of activated behaviors, functions, and
logical components.
When you store the model, these selections are stored as well.