Create via the Compass
You can create a behavior experience from a model using the Compass.
Select a model:
- In
Functional & Logical Design:
From the
or the 2D diagram, select a functional or logical system with Dymola behavior.
Important: If you want to create a behavior experience from a model with Logical-Physical Links, you must open both the logical and physical model, and then select the logical root model. - In Dymola Behavior Modeling: From the Package Browser, expand a behavior library and double-click to activate a model.
- In
Functional & Logical Design:
From the
or the 2D diagram, select a functional or logical system with Dymola behavior.
From the
3D Modeling
3D Modeling apps and select
Behavior Experience.
A dialog box to change name and description appears, for example System Behavior Simulation if a Dymola behavior was used.Note: If you create a behavior experience from a model with Logical-Physical Links, you are asked if you want to create a simulation only for the logical model, or a simulation for the logical and physical model together. If you select to include the physical model, the physical model found through implement links from the logical model is included in the behavior experience.
- Enter a name and a description for the representation.
You enter the Behavior Experience app, and the new experiment representation is displayed. By default, a new scenario is created.
- From
Functional & Logical Design:
Note: If you create a behavior experience from a model with Logical-Physical Links, with both the logical and physical model included, the physical behavior is seen as a logical behavior, and is stored inside the scenario. - From
Dymola Behavior Modeling:
the scenario contains the library behavior.
- From
Functional & Logical Design: