Publishing Knowledge Results as Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

You can publish knowledge results as Key Performance Indicators (KPI).

Notes: The following scenario describes how to expose a signal operator probe result as a Key Performance Indicator (KPI), but you can publish any knowledge result as a Key Performance Indicator (KPI):

Before you begin:

To create signal operator probe results for this scenario, follow Create a Signal Operator Probe On a Signal in a Watchlist but also add a signal operator probe for the slew rate.

The result in the Result category in the tree is:

  1. In the Result category, under the Watchlist result, right-click the knowledge result to be exposed as a Knowledge Parameter and select Publish as a Parameter Port .

    In this scenario, do this on the SlewRate result.

    A Parameter Publication dialog box appears.
  2. You can edit the name if needed, and then click OK.

    In this scenario, keep the default name.

    A Parameter Ports category is added to the tree, containing the parameter, in this scenario:

  3. In the Parameter Ports category, right-click the parameter and select Edit or Transform to KPI .
    A Define KPI values dialog box appears.
  4. In the Define KPI values dialog box, do the following:
    1. From the list, select the KPI type.
    2. Optional: Edit the value in the Tolerance box.
    3. Optional: Edit the value in the Confidence box.
    4. Click Create .
      The result is:
      • The knowledge parameter is published as a Key Performance Indicator (KPI).
      • In the Parameter Ports category, the name and icon of the parameter is changed.
      • The Business Value Assessment app can display the KPI value when the focus is on the logical or the physical element.