Copying and Pasting Excitations and Probes between Scenarios

You can copy and paste excitations and probes from one or several scenarios to another scenario provided that the scenarios belong to the same behavior experience. You can use this in two cases:

  • To create a local excitation or probe from a shared one. This allows you to create an individual item that can be edited without any other excitation or probe is changed in any other scenario.
  • To create a shared excitation of probe from a local one. This allows you to make an individual item available for any other scenario. When it is changed after being created, it is changed in all other scenarios it is used.

You can copy and paste the following excitations or probes:

  • Initial Condition excitations
  • Forced Value excitations
  • Initial Steady State Values excitations
  • Watchlist probes (including signal operator probes)
  • LivePlot probes
  • Monitored Variables in Diagram (Pinned Variables) probes
  • Measure probes
  • Interference probes
  • Steady States probes

  • You are not allowed to copy and paste between scenarios from different behavior experiences (simulation objects).
  • Only the probe specifications are copied, not the results.
  • There is no link between the original excitation or probe and the new entity.
  • A modification on the data of the original excitation or probe is not propagated to the pasted copy.
  • You can copy excitations (initial conditions and forced values) and paste them into a different scenario even if this scenario already has excitations.

For general information about copy/paste, see 3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps: Cutting and Pasting Objects.

  1. To copy excitations or probes, do the following:
    1. From the tree, select the excitations or probes to copy.

      Tip: You can multiselect excitations and probes, also from several scenarios in the same behavior experience. Press Ctrl to multiselect.

    2. Right-click and select Copy (or press Ctrl+C).
  2. To paste excitations or probes, do the following:
    1. From the tree, select a scenario.
    2. Right-click and select Paste (or press Ctrl+V).

The copied excitations or probes are pasted into the scenario.