Displaying Curves Coordinates along the X-axis

You can activate a vertical line (vertical cursor) to visualize the coordinates of its intersection with one or several curves in a chart.

Activating a vertical line allows you to compare several curves instantaneously.

Tip: When you replay an animation, the vertical cursor is synchronized with the current time value of the simulation during the replay.

Before you begin: An XY plot must be open.
See Also
About XY Plot
  1. Right-click anywhere in the chart area, and select View > Cursor Along X Axis.

    Tip: You can also, from the plot toolbar, click Activate cursor along X axis .

    A vertical line appears by default in the left of the X-axis.

  2. To move the vertical line, do any of the following:
    • Position the cursor on the vertical line and move it.
      Tip: The ordinary cursor turns into the cursor in the image above when you have hit on the vertical line.
    • Use the left arrow and right arrow keys to move the vertical cursor.

    • The display units are shown for the values on the vertical cursor.
    • The vertical cursor is always within the visible plot if you pan or zoom. It may go to the left edge or to the right edge of the chart, but does not leave it.

  3. To deactivate this option, right-click anywhere in the chart area, and select View > Cursor Along X Axis.

    Tip: You can also, from the plot toolbar, click Dectivate cursor along X axis .

    If you have several curves and X-axes, the X coordinates are displayed at each intersection point between the curves and the vertical line.