Configuring the Edition Component

This task explains how to configure the Hypervisor service, which is part of the edition component.

  1. Edit the CATSevHypervisorService.conf file located in APACHE_PATH/webapps/3DSpace/WEB-INF/classes to define the list of available services.
  2. Define the following parameters:

    Key Value
    dataPath Is the directory containing compiled data for the hypervisor service.
    serviceList Is the list of available services to be defined in Step 3.

  3. For each service, define the following parameters:

    Key Value
    protocol Is the communication protocol with the server.
    port Is the port number.
    host Is either the server name or the IP address.
    name Is the service name.
    type Is one service type between:
    • Builder (for the Build service).
    • Deploy (a Deploy service must be defined for each Build service).
    • ExecNode (for the Run service).
    • Monitor (a Monitor service must be defined for the server where the edition component is installed).


The dataPath used in the following example is an example.

  "dataPath": "<HOME_USER>/SEV/hypervisorData",
  "serviceList": [
    { "protocol": "HTTP",
      "port": "10490",
      "host": "",
      "name": "monitorServlet-local",
      "type": "Monitor" },
    {"protocol": "HTTP",
      "port": "10490",
      "host": "",
      "name": "deployServlet-local",
      "type": "Deploy" },
    { "protocol": "HTTP",
      "port": "10490",
      "host": "",
      "name": "execNodeServlet-local",
      "type": "ExecNode" },
    { "protocol": "HTTP",
      "port": "10490",
     "host": "",
      "name": "buildServlet-local",
      "type": "Builder" }