Editing Event Rules

You can edit event rules to let you interact with your experience.

  1. In the tree, select a 2D panel.
  2. From the 2D Panel section of the action bar, click Edit Event Rules .
    The Events dialog box appears. The Elements area shows the structure of the SVG file associated with the 2D panel.
  3. In the Elements area of the Events dialog box, select a graphical element or a group from the tree.
  4. To create a rule, click New in the Rules area.
  5. In the New Rule dialog box:
    1. Enter a title.
    2. In the Condition field, select a type of action between click and dblclick.
    3. For each port requiring the setting of an action, select the port in the instance tree and enter a valid value for the port.
  6. To create the rule, click OK.

    In the Events dialog box:

    • The rule title appears in the Rules area.
    • In the Elements area, the SVG element appears in green and bold, and its parent hierarchy appears in bold.

  7. From the 2D Panel section of the action bar, click Save to save the rules.