In the
Support box, select a support.
You can select a plane or a planar structural object in the
work area.
Plane System 1 and
Plane System 2 boxes display the plane systems
based on the selection. These plane systems are perpendicular and complementary
to each other.
Clear the
Bounding box check box to define the boundary.
In the
Boundary box, select a surface or a volume in
work area
to limit the grid.
Under the
Display area, clear the
Permanent Grid check box to make the grid
visible only in normal view.
From the
Labels Visibility list, select one of the
following options:
- Permanent: to make the text visible at
all times.
- Only in Normal View: to make the text
visible only in normal view.
- None: to hide the text.
In the
Labels Position list, select one of the
following options:
- All Sides: to position the text on all
- Bottom/Left: to position the text only
at the bottom or the left.
Select the
Selectable Points check box to make the points
at the intersection of grid lines selectable.
You can select these points to place an object on the grid.
The grid is created as
Grid.x under the
Working supports node in the