Sharing Objects with Other Users

Sharing Objects with Other Users

You can share objects with other people, and manage their permissions.

You can grant different levels of permissions to allow other users to view, use, or modify the object.

If an object is shared with someone, any new revisions created after you shared it will also be shared.

This task shows you how to:

Share an Object

You can share objects with individual users, user groups, or collaborative space/organization pairs.

Before you begin:

Select one or several objects and click the command.

Tip: Select several objects to grant them the same permissions.
  1. Next to the required permission, start entering the name of the user, user group, or collaborative space/organization pair you want to share the object with , and select it from the list.
  2. Click Share.

A Report panel appears, with details about the object and a status for the operation.

  • If you selected several objects, permissions that are not common to all the selected objects are kept.
  • If you share a bookmark, the permissions are only applied when the bookmark is promoted to the Active maturity state.

View, Modify, or Remove Permissions

Before you begin: Select the object, and open the Properties widget or Information panel.
  1. Click the Sharing tab.
    The users, user groups, and collaborative spaces/organization pairs the object is shared with are displayed in separate tiles.
  2. Optional: To filter the tiles to display, from the toolbar, click Filter , and do one of the following:
    • Select the permissions you want to display, and clear those you want to hide
    • Search for a specific user, user group, collaborative space, or organization
  3. Optional: To display the permissions inherited from other objects, from the toolbar, click Filter , and select Show users with inherited permissions.
  4. To modify the permissions granted to a user, user group, or collaborative space/organization pair, click on its tile, and select the new permissions of your choice.
  5. To remove the permissions granted to a user, user group, or collaborative space/organization pair, do one of the following:
    • Click on its tile, and select Remove .
    • Select the tile and, from the toolbar, click Remove .