Edit Variant/Options Effectivity Grid

You use the Edit Variants/Options Effectivity grid to mass edit the variant/object effectivity of two or more, but less than 100, selected instances under one root object. Required access roles: Configuration Engineer or Product Manager

Note: To edit the variant/object effectivity of a single instance, see Editing Variant/Option Effectivity.

This page discusses:

See Also
Mass Editing Variant/Option Effectivity

Edit Variants/Options Effectivity Grid Columns

The following columns are displayed in the Edit Variants/Options Effectivity grid.
Column Description
Instance The object whose variant/option effectivity you are editing.
Variant or Option Group

(There can be one or more of these columns.)

The variant or option group associated with the model defined as the root object's configuration context. They are available for use in the instance's effectivity expression. Each variant or option group column spans the columns of all of its child variant values or options.
Variant Value or Option

(There are one or more of these columns for each variant or option group.)

The variant values or options associated with the variants and option groups that are available for use in the instance's effectivity expression. There is one column for each variant value or option.
Expression The current variant/option effectivity expression for the instance.
Note: This column updates to include any added or removed variant/option effectivity criteria only after you apply your changes.

Page Commands

You can access the following commands from the dialog box toolbar:

Command Description For More Information
Touch Changes the grid view to Touch mode to add more white space to the display so that it is easier to view and access commands and content on a mobile device. Click again to return to the compact view. Enable Mass Editing of Variant/Option Effectivity
Add Variants Options Opens the Add Variant Options pane that displays the variants and options associated with the current configuration context of the root object. Enable Mass Editing of Variant/Option Effectivity
Cancel Cancels the mass edit command and closes the Edit Variants/Options Effectivity dialog box.

Mass Edit Commands

You can access the following commands from mass edit toolbar:

Command Description For More Information
Add OR conditions Adds a blank row beneath the current row to use to define OR conditions for the effectivity criteria. Add an OR Condition to an Instance's Effectivity Expression
Copy selected Effectivity conditions Copies the current effectivity criteria row so that you can paste it beneath another object. Copy Effectivity Criteria to Another Instance
Paste Effectivity conditions Pastes the copied effectivity criteria row under the selected object. Copy Effectivity Criteria to Another Instance
Duplicate Effectivity conditions Duplicates the selected effectivity criteria row under the selected object so that you can add criteria in the effectivity expression, beginning with the existing criteria. Duplicate Effectivity Criteria
Delete OR conditions Deletes the selected effectivity criteria row to remove it from the effectivity expression. Remove OR Conditions from Instances' Effectivity Expressions

Add Variants Options Pane Columns

Column Description
Title The title of the variant, variant value, option group, or option that is available for use in the variant/option effectivity statement.
Type The type of object in the row—variant, variant value, option group, or option.
Selection Indicates whether the object is available in the variant/option effectivity grid so that it is available for use in the effectivity expression.