Administration: Activating Octree Computation for Volume Query

If octree computation is not activated, the Volume Query command does not perform as expected. An Administrator can activate octree calculation.

Important: If the octree computation is not activated:
  • On the cloud, the Volume Query command is unavailable.
  • On premises, the Volume Query command is available, but does not return any results. Instead the app displays the message "No object selected."

  1. Open the Run MQL window:
    1. From the Compass, select Collaboration and Approvals.
    2. In the navigation pane, click Utilities > Run MQL.
    To run an MQL command, enter the command in the MQL Command box and click Run or press Enter.
  2. To activate octree computation, run the following MQL commands:

    set context user creator password <password if any> 
    set system searchindex octree on;

  3. Rebuild the search index from scratch.

The Volume Query command now performs as expected.