Copying and Pasting Evolution Effectivity

You can copy and paste evolution effectivity from one product in the structure to another. If two structures' root objects have the same model defined as their configuration context, you can copy and paste evolution effectivity from a product in one structure to a product in the other structure. You can copy and paste all types of evolution effectivity criteria: model version, manufacturing plan, date, and unit.

Before you begin: Ensure that:
  • There is at least one model attached to the root product in the structure as a configuration context and evolution criteria is activated for it.
  • Variant/option and evolution effectivity are decoupled. Effectivity is decoupled by default, but your Administrator may have changed this.
  • You have selected a source product in the structure whose evolution effectivity you want to copy to another product, then clicked Copy Evolution Effectivity. The location of this action varies based on the app that you are using.
Note: The following conditions apply to copying and pasting evolution effectivity between products in the structure:
  • You cannot successfully copy and paste evolution effectivity if you are working under an evolution or a change action as your authoring context.
  • You can copy and paste the effectivity only within the same instance of the Product Structure Editor.
  • You cannot successfully copy and paste evolution effectivity to another product if the source product's effectivity was defined before variant and evolution effectivity were decoupled.
  • You cannot copy and paste evolution effectivity when it is frozen, even when working under evolution effectivity or a change action.
  1. Select one or more target products (up to 50 at a time) where you want to paste the copied evolution effectivity.
  2. To paste the copied effectivity on one or more target products, do one of the following:
    • From the Configuration section of the action bar, click Paste Evolution Effectivity.
    • Right-click one of the selected products, then from the context menu, select Paste Evolution Effectivity.

    Note: If you copied empty effectivity from the source product, pasting it empties any previously defined effectivity for the target product, even if the source product has a different configuration context than the target product.

The evolution effectivity from the source product is copied to the target products.