Highlighting Products with the Specified Variant/Option Effectivity

You can highlight products in the structure that contain the selected variant values and options in their Variant/Option effectivity expressions.

Before you begin: Expand the node in the structure where you want to highlight Variant/Option effectivity, then click Select by Configuration Criteria. The location of this action varies based on the app that you are using.
  1. In the Select by Configuration Criteria dialog box, if there is more than one configuration context defined for the root object in the structure, in the Model list, select the configuration context.

    Note: If you switch configuration contexts, any variant values or options that you previously selected are no longer selected.

  2. Optional: Filter the variant's or option group's title.

    For more information, see Filtering Listed Items by Title.

  3. Select one or more variant values and options.
    By default, selecting two or more variant and option critieria uses the OR operator between the selected criteria in the effectivity expression.
  4. Optional: Select the And Condition check box to use the AND operator in the effectivity expression instead.
  5. Click Apply.
  6. Click Close.

The products that include the specified variant values and options in their Variant/Option effectivity are highlighted in the structure. You may have to scroll to see all highlighted products in the structure that meet the specified criteria. If a child product of a collapsed parent product in the structure meets the specified criteria, the parent product is not highlighted in the structure.