About Revision Formats

Each revision of an object has a revision ID, that can be in different formats. This revision ID is either incremented or reset depending on the lifecycle operation and the revision format defined by the Administrator.

This page discusses:


In this revision format, only the primary revision ID is activated. Its format is defined by the sequence selected for the object type (for example, A, B, …). For more information, see Identifiers and Revisions.

The primary revision ID is incremented every time a revision is created, independently from the maturity state of the object.

Note: When the primary format is selected, the Administrator can also activate the minor revision ID. This ID is in the in the .# format (where # is an integer), and it is displayed after the primary revision ID (for example: A.1). It is incremented every time a minor revision is created in native apps.

Recommendation: Do not create minor revisions.

Primary and Secondary

In this revision format, a secondary revision ID is displayed after the primary revision ID, in the .# format (where # is an integer. For example: A.1).

The secondary revision ID is incremented every time a revision is created from non-Released content. This identifies design iterations.

The primary revision ID is incremented every time a revision is created from Released content, or if the latest revision is in Released state. The secondary revision ID is reset to 1. This identifies major changes.

For example, new revisions of in-process content are named A.1, A.2, A.3, and so on, until Released. A revision of the Released content is named B.1, and follows the same revision naming rules.

Primary and Secondary for 3DEXPERIENCE Content with SOLIDWORKS Master

In this revision format, a secondary revision ID is displayed after the primary revision ID, in the _# (where # is an integer), and before the minor revision ID. The behavior of the primary and secondary IDs is similar to the Primary and Secondary format above.

Note: This format is only available for 3DEXPERIENCE content with SOLIDWORKS master. If the Administrator selects it, the Primary format is used for other object types.

For example, new revisions of in-process content are named A_1.1, A_2.1, A_3.1 and so on, until A_3.1 is Released. The next revision of the Released content is named B_1.1, and follows the same revision naming rules.

Note: If you release A_2.1 after you created A_3.1, and then create a revision, the new revision is named A_4.1 and not B_1.1 because the latest revision is not Released.

Revisions of Existing Objects

New revisions, branches, and duplicates of an object without a minor revision ID are also created without a minor revision ID, even if minor revisions are enabled.

Similarly, new revisions, branches, and duplicates of an object with a minor revision ID are also created with a minor revision ID, even if minor revisions are disabled.

Note: If the Primary and Secondary format is activated, revisions of existing objects with a minor revision ID follow this format: primaryID_secondaryID.minorID

The primary and secondary IDs follow the selected revision format. If the revision format includes a secondary ID, the new revision has one, even though the selected object only had a primary ID. If the revision format only includes a primary ID, the new revision only has a primary ID, even though the selected object had a secondary ID.