Customizing the Display of the Revision Explorer

You can choose which attributes you want to display in the Revision Explorer and their order. You can also choose to use the compact display in graph list view.

  1. From the toolbar, click Settings .
    The Settings dialog box appears.
  2. Choose your settings for the following preferences:
    • In Graph View:
      Preference Description
      Select and Arrange Information to Show on Nodes Lets you choose the attributes you want to display in the thumbnails.

      Select the attributes you want to display in the order of your choice, and clear the ones you want to hide.

      Important: You must select at least one attribute.
      • The attributes are displayed in the order you selected them (the order displayed in the Settings dialog box). When you select an attribute, it is added at the end of the list of displayed attributes.

        To modify the order of the attributes, clear them and re-select them in the order of your choice.

      • If there is not enough space to display all the attributes you selected, they are displayed in a tooltip when you hover over the thumbnail.

    • In Graph List View:
      Preference Description
      Use Compact Display Displays less spacing between the lines so that you can see more information at once.
      Select and Arrange Columns to Display Lets you choose the columns you want to display in the spreadsheet.

      Select the attributes you want to display in the order of your choice, and clear the ones you want to hide.

      Notes: The attributes are displayed in the order you selected them (the order displayed in the Settings dialog box). When you select an attribute, it is added at the end of the list of displayed attributes.

      To modify the order of the attributes, clear them and re-select them in the order of your choice.

      Important: The Title attribute is mandatory, and always appears first. You cannot modify its position.

    About the Select and Arrange Information to Show on Nodes and Select and Arrange Columns to Display options:

    • If you select or clear an attribute, it is displayed or hidden for all the object types that support it.
    • You can display customer-defined attributes added from Collaborative Spaces Control Center and Data Setup (on-premises only).

  3. Click OK.