Creating, Duplicating, Modifying, and Deleting Relations Sets

You can create, duplicate, modify, and delete relation sets in Relations Control Center.

Required access role: Administrator.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: From the Compass, open Relations Control Center.

Create or Duplicate Relations Sets

You can create a relations set with default values, or create a copy of an existing one with the same values.

You can modify these values afterward. For more information, see Modify Relations Sets.

  1. In the Relations Sets section, do one of the following:

    Action Description
    Create a relations set with default values. From the toolbar, click Create.
    Create a copy of an existing relations set.
    1. Select the relations set you want to duplicate.
    2. From the toolbar, click Duplicate.

  2. Enter a title, and click OK.

The new relations set is created with the default or copied values. The changes are reflected in Relations after a refresh of the widget.

Modify Relations Sets

You can change the relations included in a relations set you created, and define the roles and user groups that can use this relations set.

  1. From the Relations Set list, select the relations set you want to modify.

    Action Description
    Change the name of a relations set. Click Edit , and enter the new name.
    Remove a relation from the relations set. In the Included Relations field, click .
    Add a relation to a relations set. In the Included Relations field, do one of the following:
    • Select a relation from the list.
    • Enter a relation in the field.
    Restrict the access to a relations sets to some specific roles or user groups. Enter them in the following fields:
    • Available for Roles
      Note: By default, the relations sets are available for users with the Collaborative Industry Innovator role
    • Available for User Groups

    To remove the access for some roles or user groups, click .

  2. To save all the changes, click Save.
    The changes apply to the Relations widgets after refresh.
  3. To restore the default values for the default relations sets, do one of the following:
    • To restore the default values for the selected relations sets, click Reset.
    • To restore the default values for all the relations sets, click Reset All.

    Then, in the confirmation panel, click OK.

    The relations sets are reset to their default values.
    Important: You cannot reset relations sets you created, but you can cancel the last changes that are not saved yet. To do so, click Cancel.

Delete Relations Sets

  1. From the Relations Set list, select the relations set you want to delete.
  2. From the toolbar, click Delete.
  3. In the confirmation panel, click OK.
  4. Click Save.

The changes apply to the Relations widgets after refresh.