Customizing the View

You can choose which attributes of the objects present in Relations that you want to display in graph view and in datagrid view.

Before you begin: Select one or several objects, and click Options. Then hover over Customize Display Options, and click Customize Attributes.
  1. Select the view you want to customize:
    • Tiles and Thumbnails to customize the graph view, the Relations tab of Information and Properties panels, and Preview panels.
    • Datagrid to customize the datagrid view.

    The Available Attributes section lists the attributes that you can display for each object type. The Selected Attributes section lists the attributes that are already displayed in the selected view (ordered by object type if you selected Tiles and Thumbnails).

  2. To display additional attributes:
    1. In Available Attributes, click + to expand the list of attributes for an object type.

      • When you click All Types, only the attributes that are common to all the types of objects opened in the app are displayed.
      • By default, only the types corresponding to the objects loaded in the widget are displayed. Click More to display all the other object types.
      • Enxtensions and subtypes appear under the type they belong to.

    2. Select the attributes you want to display, and click .

      Tip: To search for an attribute, click , and enter the name of the attribute in the search filed.

    The attributes you selected are listed in the Selected Attributes section. If any subtypes are selected, their selection is canceled and the subtype field is reset with the new subtypes.
  3. To remove attributes from the view, select them in the Selected Attributes section, and click .

    Note: In datagrid view, the Title attribute cannot be removed and is locked as first attribute.

  4. To reorder the attributes and determine how they appear in the view, select the attribute and click one of the following:
    • Move one row up .
    • Move one row down .
    • Move to top .
    • Move to bottom .

    The attributes appear in the order they are listed in the Selected Attributes section.

    In graph view, Relations tab of the Information and Properties panel, and Preview panel, the first three selected attributes are displayed in the title of the objects. The next three attributes are displayed on the second line of the tile.

    All the selected attributes appear in the tooltip of the graph view, Preview group view, the Relations widget, and the Relations tab from both the Information panel and search results.

  5. Click one of the following:
    Apply Applies the changes if any, and closes the window.
    Reset Restores the default list of displayed attributes for each object type.
    Cancel Cancels the current changes, and closes the window.

The changes in the Relations tab are reflected across all the widgets opened in the same browser.