Navigating Paths

You can compute existing paths inside the loaded view, based on child relations.

Before you begin:

To compute paths in the view between objects, click , and then click Find Paths .

  1. In the Find Paths panel, select a start object (start point) and one or several stop objects (end point).
    Notes: Depending on the section of the Find Paths panel, the paths behave as follows:
    Criteria All paths from current network section All structure paths section
    Computation The paths are computed based on all loaded relations in the view. The paths are computed from the index between the start and stop objects.
    Start and stop order The paths are computed in both directions. Therefore the order of the start and stop objects is not relevant. If you select a leaf as start and a root as stop, no paths are found.
    View Only the tile is displayed. A tree branch is also displayed under the tile view, so you can see the detail of all objects individually.
    Drag and drop behavior With drag and drop, this path behaves as a if selecting all objects in the path. If you drag this path, it behaves as a structure path. Depending on the target app, either the whole path is taken into account, or only the leaf (stop). You can also select an Advanced filter as a start. In this case, the computed paths match the filter specification.

    All paths from the start object to each of the selected stop objects are displayed in the Find Paths dialog box.

    • You can drag a path and drop it to other widgets.
    • You can also select multiple paths to drop several paths at the same time.
    • By default, Find Paths uses the selected objects as end points.

  2. To insert an object from Relations to one of the other apps, drag the object and drop it in the app.

    Tip: From the Find Paths panel, you can also select multiple paths to drop in another app. If you drag any path of the view, all selected paths are dropped in the target widget.
    • Select All is not supported for this feature.
    • If a path to be inserted is no longer consistent with the database, the path is not inserted.