- Select All Visible
- See Flyout for Selecting Objects.

Select Inversion
- Selects all the children objects of a root except the objects in the branch of the first selected object.
- Select one object or more, then click Select Inversion to invert your selection. All objects in the structure are selected, except the branches of the objects you selected first.
- Note that if you do not select any object first, this command selects all objects in the structure.

- Select Parent
- Selects the parents of the selected objects.
- Selecting the parent object cancels the selection of the
object you selected.

- Select Siblings
- Selects the sibling objects. Siblings are objects that share a parent with the
currently selected object.
- Selecting the sibling objects cancels the selection of the object you

- Select Children
- Selects all the child objects of the selected objects recursively. The selected
object remains selected.

- Select Leaves
- Selects the leaves of the selected objects. Leaves are objects that
have no child object.
- Selecting the leaf objects cancels the selection of the object you