Structure Views

You can change how you view objects in a structure from the action bar, toolbar, or the context menu, depending on how the commands are implemented in your app. Your app may have implemented some or all of these commands.

This page discusses:

Page Display

Display Roots
Hides or shows the list of root objects.
Toggles between hiding and showing the list of root objects in the left navigation pane.
  • To remove a root, click in the root's tile.
  • To highlight the root in the structure and the 3D view, select its tile in the side panel.

Display Side Panel
Displays information about the selected object in different tabs in the side panel. The available tabs depend on the app they are launched from, and the type of object that is selected.

For more information, see Frequently Used Tabs.

Remove All Objects
Removes all root objects from the view.

Fit All In
Fits the entire model in the 3D area.

Reframe On
Centers the selected object in the viewer.


Tree List View
Displays product structure as a tree.

Graph View
Displays product structure as a graph.

Tile View
Displays product structure as tiles.

Thumbnail View
Displays product structure as thumbnails.

Graph Orientation

Orient Graph Downward
Orients graph downward.

Orient Graph Upward
Orients graph upward.

Orient Graph Left to Right
Orients graph left to right.

Orient Graph Right to Left
Orients graph right to left.


Expand All
Expands all the children of the selected object.

Expand n Levels
Expands N levels of the selected objects.
The parent nodes containing only one 3D shape are collapsed. You can expand them manually to display the 3D shape.

Collapse All
Collapses all the children of the selected object.


Select All Visible
See Flyout for Selecting Objects.

Select Inversion
Selects all the children objects of a root except the objects in the branch of the first selected object.
Select one object or more, then click Select Inversion to invert your selection. All objects in the structure are selected, except the branches of the objects you selected first.
Note that if you do not select any object first, this command selects all objects in the structure.

Select Parent
Selects the parents of the selected objects.
Selecting the parent object cancels the selection of the object you selected.

Select Siblings
Selects the sibling objects. Siblings are objects that share a parent with the currently selected object.
Selecting the sibling objects cancels the selection of the object you selected.

Select Children
Selects all the child objects of the selected objects recursively. The selected object remains selected.

Select Leaves
Selects the leaves of the selected objects. Leaves are objects that have no child object.
Selecting the leaf objects cancels the selection of the object you selected.