Collaborating Through Comments

You can collaborate with others on an object by liking it and by adding and replying to comments about it. Likes and comments work the same way as they do on most social media apps. When someone mentions you in a comment or replies to your comment, you receive a 3DNotification. Click the notification link to open the Comments tab where you are mentioned or replied to.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Do the following:
  1. Open the object that you want to comment on.
  2. Click Information to view the object's Information or Properties panel.
  3. Select the Comments tab.

Like an Object

You can like an object and see who else has also liked it.

  1. Click Like to like the object.
  2. Click the number to the right of Like to see who has liked the object.
  3. Optional: Click Like again to remove your like.

See Who Liked an Object

You can see a list of other users who liked the object.

To see who liked the object, click the number to the right of Like. The People who liked this content dialog box contains hyperlinks to each person who liked the object. You can click the user's hyperlinked name to view their profile.

Comment on an Object

You can comment on an object and reply to others' comments to collaborate with them on the object. If you mention another user in your comment, the user is notified about the comment.

  1. Click in the empty comment field.
  2. Optional: To mention someone in your comment so that they will receive a notification about it, do the following:
    1. Enter @ then begin typing the name of a user that belongs to your collaborative space or 3DSwym community.
    2. From the list, select the user that you want to mention in the comment.

    The user's name is inserted in the comment in the following format: @User Name.

  3. Enter your comment.
  4. Optional: To format the text in your comment, do the following:
    1. Double-click the text to highlight it.
    2. Use the basic text editing actions available in the embedded editor.
    3. Click in the comment field again to close the embedded editor.
  5. Optional: To add a line break in your comment, press Shift + Enter.
  6. To post your comment, click Send.

    Tip: You can also press Ctrl + Enter to post your comment.

Edit Your Comment

You can edit a comment that you posted. Anyone mentioned in your comment is notified that it was edited so that they can read to updated comment.

  1. From the context menu of the comment that you want to edit, click Edit.
  2. Edit the text of your comment and add or delete mentioned users.
  3. To post your edited comment, click Send.

    Tip: You can also press Ctrl + Enter to post your comment.

See Who Commented on an Object

You can see a list of users who commented on the object. The number of comments indicates only the number of top-level comments. It does not include the number of replies to those comments.

To see who commented on the object, click the number to the right of Comment. The People who commented this content dialog box contains hyperlinks to each person who commented on the object. You can click the user's hyperlinked name to view their profile.

Reply to a Comment

You can reply to a comment posted by another user. The user who posted the comment that you replied to is notified that there is a reply.

  1. Click Reply beneath the comment that you want to reply to.

    The original commenter is automatically mentioned in your reply using the @User Name format.

  2. Enter your reply.
  3. To post your reply, click Send.

    Tip: You can also press Ctrl + Enter to post your reply.

Delete Your Comment

You can delete a comment that you posted. When you delete a comment, all replies to it are deleted at the same time.

  1. From the context menu of the comment that you want to delete, click Delete.
  2. Click OK.