Basic Concepts

This topic introduces you to the main concepts to understand 3D Merchandising. You must be familiar with the following terms used in 3D Merchandising to know how the app works:

This page discusses:


A consumer good offered for sale in a store. A product is registered with a UPC (Universal Product Code) or EAN (European Article Numbering) barcode. After it is created, you can associate one or several representations to a product. They are found in an assortment where they are sorted and organized.


A list of products that belongs to the same category offered for sale at a given time in a store. You can organize the products in your assortment to create gondolas, also referred to as 3D planograms.

In an assortment, you can do the following.

  • Create, add, remove products.
  • Create sub assortments.
  • Manage products list of each sub assortment.
  • Manage representations associated to the products of the assortment.
  • Manage the consumer decision tree and dispatch products into segments.
  • Configure the merchandising rules.
  • Define furniture used by default for this assortment.

An assortment also includes sub groups to help the user organize the products: these sub groups are called sub assortments.

Sub Assortment

A sub group of products in the assortment that are sold in a given space. This space is defined as the gondola length expressed in the count of standard furniture.

In a sub assortment, you can do the following.

  • Define the gondola length.
  • Create a gondola.
  • Visualize and edit the gondola with the Store Studio app.

To create a gondola more easily, it is recommended to define a consumer decision tree in your assortment before creating a gondola.

Consumer Decision Tree

The order in which the consumer discovers the products when he walks in front of the gondola. To build the consumer decision tree of the assortment, you must organize the products in nodes called Segments. After it is created, the consumer decision tree is reused as a guide when filling the gondola with products in Store Studio.


A gondola is a 3D planogram representing standard furniture mainly composed of shelves used for products display. A gondola can be associated to a sub assortment, that defines the list of products and the gondola length. The edition of the gondola consists in the insertion of shelves and peg supports and the placement of products guided by the consumer decision tree. After placing all products on gondolas, you can generate merchandising guides and share them with the retail outlets.


An asset is a piece of furniture used to support products placement. Standard assets are defined by dimensions and attributes such as gondola sections, shelves, peg supports, and pegs. You can create your own asset catalog by configuring standard assets. Specific furniture can be managed through the import of already existing 3D models.

Merchandising Guides

The merchandising guides are a printable document describing the placement of products and assets. Merchandising guides are intended for retail outlets that use this document to place products accordingly. The correct placement of your products can be previously verified with the merchandising rules.

Merchandising Rules

The rules that define the products and assets placement in a gondola. They can be verified in Store Studio when editing the gondola.


A virtual 3D representation of a retail establishment where products are sold to the consumer. The store is composed of a store layout (walls, floor, and ceiling), gondolas, scenes, point of sales material and other furniture such as checkouts.


A scene is composed of assets and products. It can be reused and inserted. The goal of the scene is to present products on other supports than a standard gondola. A scene demonstrates products in a staged environment to attract the consumer.


A storyboard is a sequence of steps aimed at presenting different scenarios for a gondola, scene, or store. Each step represents an assembly of store elements in a 3D environment (gondola, products, and furniture). Editing a storyboard consists in defining the order, content, and point of view of each step. When prepared, you can navigate between the steps.


A 3D model that corresponds to a product, point of sales material, store layout, or furniture. You can create several representations of a product for every placement within a gondola. For example, you can create representations of a product to place on a shelf or a peg, and when it is an exposed model or a packaged model.

Product Classification

A hierarchical structure that helps a company organize its products.

Business Unit

An economic entity that is dedicated to manage a group of retail stores. Retail stores have the same banner and format when they belong to the same business unit. A business unit uses its own product classification.

Retail Store

A physical outlet that has an address and which is visited by consumers. Retail stores can be associated with the product classification to define assortments.

Retail Category

A general group of products that is continuously or seasonally sold in stores. The successive assortments are associated to the retail category. Retail stores allocate spaces for each retail category. This allocated space can be used to select the planogram applied by a store for a given category. Retail category includes products that can belong to several classification nodes. A retail category has several category sizes that correspond to the assortment size used by the retail stores for the retail category.