A warning appears if the size of an item exceeds the defined risk size. The following values are the risk sizes for product and accessory representations for various levels of detail. - High - 1200 KB
- Medium - 200 KB
- Low - 100 KB
- Very low - 50 KB
The following values are the risk sizes for furniture and point of sale material representations for various levels of detail. - High - 2400 KB
- Medium - 1200 KB
- Low - 600 KB
- Very low - 50 KB
The risk size for representations of store layouts is 20,000 KB for all levels of details. If you point to the warning icon, a tooltip appears. For representations, it shows the file sizes for four levels of details. Any file size above the limit is shown in red color. For gondola sections, it shows the file sizes for three levels of details. A First Person Shopper warning appears when the representation or the level of detail file does not exist, and is required for the First Person Shopper experience. When you point to the warning icon, a tooltip appears. It shows the representations that have errors. |