Using the First Person Shopper Experience Offline

You can generate and download a local deployment of the first person shopper experience and view it offline.

Required access roles: Author, Leader, Contributor

Before you begin: The selected gondola, scene, store, or storyboard must be prepared for first person shopper experience.
See Also
Preparing a Visit into the First Person Shopper
  1. From the Gondola Properties page, Scene Properties page, Store Properties page, or the Storyboard Properties page, select Actions > Prepare Local Deployment.
  2. When the page stops loading, click Refresh on the upper-right corner of the page.
  3. Select Actions > Download Local Deployment and save the .zip file in the required location.
  4. Unzip the saved .zip file and open the StartNavigation.html file.
  5. Click to start the first person shopper experience.
    Note: To view the first person shopper experience offline, make sure that the 3D Merchandising Client is installed on your computer. You can install it when you start the first person shopper for the first time.