Managing the Thumbnail

You can upload a thumbnail manually. This procedure applies to products but also representations, gondolas, stores, scenes.

Required access roles: Author, Leader

This task shows you how to:

Upload a Thumbnail

You can upload a thumbnail to associate an image with the object.

  1. From the Products tab, select the product.
  2. Click Thumbnail.
  3. Select Upload.
  4. Click Browse to select the images corresponding to the thumbnail of the object.
  5. Click Done.

Assign Primary Image

You can assign an image as primary image if several images are available.

  1. In the thumbnail manager, select the image.
  2. Click Set As Primary.
  3. Click OK.

Delete a Thumbnail

You can delete an image from the thumbnail pictures.

  1. In the thumbnail manager, select the image.
  2. Click Delete.
    A message appears.
  3. Click OK.