Creating a Custom Job

You can create a custom job and select the application that will run the job.

Custom jobs are available only if you are assigned the Multi-Disciplinary Optimization Engineer (MDO) role.

  1. From the Abaqus Study window, click Create Job.
    The Select Application page appears.
  2. Optional: Enter a Title and Description for the job. By default, the title is the name of the study appended with the current date and time.
  3. Optional: Select the filters to control the applications from which you can choose.
    Show examples Show the applications that are available through sample ad-hoc simulation experiences, such as Abaqus/Standard and the OS Command.
    Show released onlyShow only the applications that are available thorough released simulation experiences.
    Show latest revisions onlyShow only the latest revision of the application.
  4. Select the application, and click Next.
    The Select Input Files to Include page appears. For more information, see Selecting the Input Files.